The Android Play Core Library is a set of APIs that allows Android developers to integrate dynamic feature modules, in-app updates, and in-app reviews into their apps.
Dynamic feature modules are code and resources that can be downloaded and installed on demand, allowing developers to deliver feature-rich apps without increasing the app's initial download size. The Play Core Library provides APIs for managing the download, installation, and deletion of these modules.
In-app updates allow developers to prompt users to update their app without requiring them to visit the Play Store. The Play Core Library provides APIs for checking for updates, initiating the download and installation process, and tracking the status of the update.
In-app reviews allow users to rate and review an app without leaving the app. The Play Core Library provides an API for displaying the in-app review dialog, handling user interactions, and submitting the review to the Play Store.
The Play Core Library is available as a separate library through the Android SDK Manager, and it can be used with apps targeting Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher.
The Android Play Core Library is a set of APIs and features provided by Google for Android app developers to help them manage the distribution, installation, and updating of their apps.
The Play Core Library allows developers to build features such as in-app updates, on-demand downloads, and in-app reviews, all of which can improve the user experience and engagement with an app. The library also includes features to help manage and optimize app size, such as dynamic feature modules, which enable developers to deliver features and content to users on demand.
Some key features of the Play Core Library include:
In-app updates: Allows users to update the app within the app itself, without having to go to the Google Play Store.
On-demand downloads: Allows developers to break up their app into smaller, independent modules that can be downloaded and installed on demand.
In-app reviews: Allows users to leave reviews and ratings for the app without leaving the app.
Dynamic feature modules: Allows developers to deliver features and content to users on demand, which can reduce app size and improve app performance.
Asset delivery: Allows developers to serve assets such as images, videos, and other resources from Google Play instead of bundling them with the app, which can also reduce app size.
Overall, the Android Play Core Library provides developers with powerful tools to help them manage and optimize their apps, while also improving the user experience.