Bespoke Android App Developers: Meteredness

Bespoke Android App Developers: Meteredness

Meteredness is a term used in Android to refer to a network connection that is subject to data usage restrictions or charges. When a network connection is considered "metered" on an Android device, the system may adjust its behaviour to reduce data usage and minimise costs to the user.

On Android, a network connection can be marked as metered in a few different ways. One common method is based on the type of network the device is connected to. For example, cellular data networks are often considered metered connections, as users may be subject to data usage limits or charges based on their cellular plan. Other types of network connections, such as Wi-Fi or Ethernet, may be considered unmetered by default.

In addition to network type, Android devices may also use other factors to determine whether a connection should be considered metered. For example, a user may be able to manually mark a network as metered in the device settings. Some apps may also have their own settings for adjusting behavior based on meteredness.

When a network connection is considered metered on an Android device, the system may adjust its behavior in a few different ways. For example, some apps may choose to reduce the amount of data they use when connected to a metered network. The system may also limit certain background activities, such as app updates or syncing, to reduce data usage.

Overall, meteredness is an important concept for Android users and developers to be aware of, as it can have a significant impact on how devices use and consume data.

In Android, "meteredness" refers to whether a device's network connection is subject to data usage restrictions or not. A metered connection is typically a connection that has a data usage limit, such as a cellular data plan or a public Wi-Fi network with usage restrictions.

Android devices automatically detect whether a network connection is metered or not, and adjust their behavior accordingly. This can include reducing the amount of data used by background processes and apps, as well as postponing certain updates or downloads until the device is on an unmetered connection.

Developers can also specify whether their app should treat a network connection as metered or not. For example, an app that streams high-quality video might choose to use a lower-quality stream when the device is on a metered connection, to reduce data usage and avoid exceeding the user's data plan.

Overall, meteredness is an important consideration for Android devices and apps, as it can have a significant impact on data usage and user experience.

Read more about Meteredness