Bespoke Android App Developers: LocationListener

Bespoke Android App Developers: LocationListener

Android LocationListener is an interface provided by the Android framework that enables developers to receive location updates from the device's GPS or other location providers.

To use LocationListener, you need to implement the interface's methods in your Android application. The four methods are:

  1. onLocationChanged(Location location): This method is called when a new location update is available. It receives a Location object that contains the latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy, and other information about the current location.

  2. onProviderDisabled(String provider): This method is called when a location provider (e.g., GPS, network) is disabled by the user or the system.

  3. onProviderEnabled(String provider): This method is called when a location provider is enabled by the user or the system.

  4. onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras): This method is called when the status of a location provider changes (e.g., from available to unavailable).

To use LocationListener in your application, you need to create an instance of the interface and register it with the LocationManager. You can then start receiving location updates using the LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates() method.

Note that to use LocationListener, your application must request the appropriate location permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml file and handle runtime permission requests if your app targets API level 23 or higher.

Read more about LocationListener