Android provides several APIs for discovering nearby devices. Here are some of the most commonly used APIs:
Nearby Connections API: This API allows devices to discover and connect with nearby devices over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. It provides a simple and reliable way to communicate between devices.
Bluetooth API: This API allows you to discover and connect to Bluetooth devices. You can use it to find nearby Bluetooth devices and establish a connection with them.
Wi-Fi Direct API: This API allows two devices to establish a direct Wi-Fi connection between them. This API is useful when you need to transfer data between two devices without going through a Wi-Fi network.
Network Service Discovery API: This API allows you to discover services on a local network using mDNS and DNS-SD protocols. This API is useful when you need to discover services that are running on other devices on the same network.
NFC API: This API allows you to read and write to NFC tags and communicate with other NFC-enabled devices. This API is useful when you need to exchange small amounts of data with nearby devices.
Overall, Android provides a range of APIs for discovering nearby devices, and the choice of API depends on the specific use case and the devices you're targeting.
Android provides several APIs for discovering nearby devices. Here are some of the commonly used APIs:
Bluetooth API: This API allows you to discover nearby Bluetooth devices and establish a Bluetooth connection. You can use the BluetoothAdapter class to get a reference to the Bluetooth adapter and start discovering nearby devices using the startDiscovery() method.
Wi-Fi Direct API: This API allows two devices to connect directly to each other using Wi-Fi Direct. You can use the WifiP2pManager class to initiate discovery and connect to nearby devices.
Network Service Discovery (NSD) API: This API allows you to discover services on a local network. You can use the NsdManager class to discover services and get information about the services that are available on the network.
Nearby Connections API: This API allows you to discover and connect to nearby devices using a combination of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Wi-Fi Direct. You can use the ConnectionsClient class to initiate discovery and connect to nearby devices.
QR Code Scanner API: This API allows you to use the camera on the device to scan QR codes and discover nearby devices. You can use the CameraX library to implement the QR code scanner functionality.
These APIs provide different ways to discover nearby devices based on the requirements of your app.
Read more about Device Discovery API