React version 17 is released
(20 October 2020)

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React version 17 is released
React is an open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React was created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook (now Meta). It is mainly used in the development of single-page web apps or mobile apps. However, React is only concerned with state management and rendering that state to the DOM

React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. However, React is only concerned with state management and rendering that state to the DOM. The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent interface that treats an HTML document as a tree structure so HTML is rendered in a similar fashion on all browsers.

React is designed for building user interfaces and does not include many of the tools necessary to build an application. App developers and app engineers must use other libraries for tasks such as performing network access or local data storage.

The main reasons to use React for a front-end user interface (UI) are shown below:

React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. Declarative views make your code more predictable and easier to debug.

Build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs. Since component logic is written in JavaScript instead of templates, you can easily pass rich data through your app and keep state out of the DOM.

Learn Once, Write Anywhere
We don’t make assumptions about the rest of your technology stack, so you can develop new features in React without rewriting existing code. React can also render on the server using Node and power mobile apps using React Native.

Web accessibility (also referred to as a11y) is the design and creation of websites that can be used by everyone. Accessibility support is necessary to allow assistive technology to interpret web pages. React fully supports building accessible websites, often by using standard HTML techniques.

Most React apps will have their files “bundled” using tools like Webpack, Rollup or Browserify. Bundling is the process of following imported files and merging them into a single file: a “bundle”. This bundle can then be included on a webpage to load an entire app at once.

In a typical React application, data is passed top-down (parent to child) via props, but such usage can be cumbersome for certain types of props (e.g. locale preference, UI theme) that are required by many components within an application. Context provides a way to share values like these between components without having to explicitly pass a prop through every level of the tree.

Error Boundaries
A JavaScript error in a part of the UI shouldn’t break the whole app. To solve this problem for React users, React 16 introduces a new concept of an “error boundary”. Error boundaries are React components that catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI instead of the component tree that crashed. Error boundaries catch errors during rendering, in lifecycle methods, and in constructors of the whole tree below them.

Forwarding Refs
Ref forwarding is a technique for automatically passing a ref through a component to one of its children. This is typically not necessary for most components in the application. However, it can be useful for some kinds of components, especially in reusable component libraries.

A common pattern in React is for a component to return multiple elements. Fragments let you group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.

Higher-Order Components
A higher-order component (HOC) is an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. HOCs are not part of the React API, per se. They are a pattern that emerges from React’s compositional nature. Concretely, a higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.

Integrating with DOM Manipulation Plugins
React is unaware of changes made to the DOM outside of React. It determines updates based on its own internal representation, and if the same DOM nodes are manipulated by another library, React gets confused and has no way to recover. This does not mean it is impossible or even necessarily difficult to combine React with other ways of affecting the DOM, you just have to be mindful of what each is doing. The easiest way to avoid conflicts is to prevent the React component from updating. You can do this by rendering elements that React has no reason to update.

Optimizing Performance
Internally, React uses several clever techniques to minimize the number of costly DOM operations required to update the UI. For many applications, using React will lead to a fast user interface without doing much work to specifically optimize for performance.

Portals provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.

Profiler API
The Profiler measures how often a React application renders and what the “cost” of rendering is. Its purpose is to help identify parts of an application that are slow and may benefit from optimizations such as memoization.

React provides a declarative API so that you don’t have to worry about exactly what changes on every update. When you use React, at a single point in time you can think of the render() function as creating a tree of React elements. On the next state or props update, that render() function will return a different tree of React elements. React then needs to figure out how to efficiently update the UI to match the most recent tree.

There are some generic solutions to this algorithmic problem of generating the minimum number of operations to transform one tree into another. However, the state of the art algorithms have a complexity in the order of O(n3) where n is the number of elements in the tree.

If we used this in React, displaying 1000 elements would require in the order of one billion comparisons. This is far too expensive. Instead, React implements a heuristic O(n) algorithm based on two assumptions:
  • Two elements of different types will produce different trees.
  • The developer can hint at which child elements may be stable across different renders with a key prop.

Refs and the DOM
Refs provide a way to access DOM nodes or React elements created in the render method. In the typical React dataflow, props are the only way that parent components interact with their children. To modify a child, you re-render it with new props. However, there are a few cases where you need to imperatively modify a child outside of the typical dataflow. The child to be modified could be an instance of a React component, or it could be a DOM element. For both of these cases, React provides an escape hatch.

Render Props
The term “render prop” refers to a technique for sharing code between React components using a prop whose value is a function. A component with a render prop takes a function that returns a React element and calls it instead of implementing its own render logic.

Static Type Checking
Static type checkers like Flow and TypeScript identify certain types of problems before you even run your code. They can also improve developer workflow by adding features like auto-completion. For this reason, we recommend using Flow or TypeScript instead of PropTypes for larger code bases.

Strict Mode
StrictMode is a tool for highlighting potential problems in an application. Like Fragment, StrictMode does not render any visible UI. It activates additional checks and warnings for its descendants.

Typechecking With PropTypes
As your app grows, you can catch a lot of bugs with typechecking. For some applications, you can use JavaScript extensions like Flow or TypeScript to typecheck your whole application. But even if you don’t use those, React has some built-in typechecking abilities. T

Web Components
React and Web Components are built to solve different problems. Web Components provide strong encapsulation for reusable components, while React provides a declarative library that keeps the DOM in sync with your data. The two goals are complementary. As a developer, you are free to use React in your Web Components, or to use Web Components in React, or both.

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